
Halo Halo Ini Dita yang selalu semangat :D

Assalamualaikum fans dita! #kalo lo ga suka bacanya ya jangan buka blog gue.

Oiya, masih inget pos gue tentang ‘ketidakbisaan’ tidur gw pas tanggal 6 April karena gw deg2an menunggu pengumuman beasiswa?

Nah! saat itu gw takut kalo misalnya gw ga keterima gw akan down se parah2nya ampe bisa membuat gw kurus bahkan membuat gw berhenti membuat TA.

Ternyata! jreng jreng! jreng! subuh esok paginya, gw mendapatkan email yang berbunyi:

Dear Annisa Anindita,

Thank you very much for your application for a scholarship within the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA2) Lotus project. You were one of the 405 applicants. As coordinating institution Ghent University is delighted with the interest all these students, researchers and staff members have shown by taking part in this exceptional mobility opportunity for the Region South-East Asia.

The consortium defined specific criteria for the assessment of the applications, in order to assure an objective selection procedure  based on academic merit, language requirements, motivation and compatibility between requested and offered programmes, and to guarantee equal opportunities for all applicants. The decision to grant a scholarship is based on the evaluation and ranking  done by the EU host universities concerned. Applicants can consult the selection methodology on

We have received many outstanding files, including yours. Unfortunately the number of scholarships is limited and the selection depends on many factors besides academic merit. We regret to inform you that your application has not been selected.

Your application was not selected because of the following reason: The total evaluation score given by the host university was not high enough to be granted a scholarship

Factors influencing the selection:

  • Nationality: there is a fixed number of scholarships per nationality, and only a limited number can be shifted to other nationalities in case all scholarships are not used up by one nationality. This means that the success rate differs from one nationality to another.
  • Type of mobility: the competition can be fiercer for one type than for another: for instance for Master and PhD the competition is much harder than for Bachelor. Furthermore the European Commission fixes minima and maxima per type of mobility: 20% – 30% have to be Bachelor grants, the same percentage is applicable for Master grants, 15% – 25% need to be PhD grants, 5% – 15% should go to Post-doctorate grants and 15% – 25% should be kept for Staff mobility. This is unfortunately not always in line with the number of applications we receive in reality per type of mobility.
  • Exchange versus degree: we have received a large number of applications for degree mobility (MA 22 months and PhD 34 months). The focus of the project however is on exchange, meaning that the majority of the grants are for exchange mobility flows. This means that the number of non-selected degree candidates is very high, regardless of the quality of their application and the good scores obtained.
  • The quality of the application: academic merit, language knowledge, motivation and a good match with the host department.
  • In case of equal scores, following factors are taken into consideration: Target Group (with preference for Target Group 3), disadvantaged groups, a spread in study fields, distribution over the different partner universities and gender balance

We would like to remind you that a third and final call for scholarships has been launched last week Friday. If you want to apply for a new scholarship, you will have to submit a new application. You can find all the information on the Lotus website.

Applicants who wish to file an appeal, can send a letter via registered mail to the Lotus Secretariat (postal address below). The letter should state the reason of their appeal, including proof or supporting documents (if applicable). The appeal has to be sent within 10 working days (date of postmark). The Lotus Secretariat will react within the 15 following working days.

We would recommend you to visit the Lotus website regularly to keep informed about new deadlines.

Best regards,

The Lotus Secretariat
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
9000 Gent

Betapa kagetnya gw ternyata saat membaca pengumuman ini justru gw ga sedih. kecewa ada, tapi ga sedih. ini sesuatu yang aneh untuk orang yang ultra kompetitif kayak gw.

Tapi di satu sisi gw bangga, Annisa Anindita Zein si anak keras kepala ini sudah menjadi gadis yang tawakkal (semoga ga cuma untuk kasus ini), atau seperti yang di SMS oleh Ayah, gw sudah bisa berdamai dengan kegagalan 🙂

Terimakasih Ayah dan Mama atas dukungannya selama ini. Insya Allah anakmu yang paling blingsatan ini akan pergi ke luar negeri tanpa bantuan finansial langsung Ayah dan Mama, bismillah 🙂

Terimakasih juga untuk kesabarannya selama mengurus aplikasi beasiswa. Terimakasih untuk Ayah yang udah ngijinin ambil les IBT di TBI, ambil tes toefl IBT. Terimakasih untuk Mama yang udah bantuin bolak balik UI buat nyari jodoh ke lembaga bahasa untuk translate ijasah 😀

Dita akan berusaha sebaik2nya! dan akan mencari suami yang sesuai dengan Ayah& Mama! #loh #kenapa nyambungnya kesini #edisicurhat #maklumtingkatakhir

Terimakasih untuk Uni Dhila dan Dhika yang sangat mengerti diri gw yang kompleks, yang suka tiba2 marah, yang ngeselin tapi cantik dan ngangenin.

Ya Allah, semoga percobaan terakhir di KUSEP-Kanazawa berhasil 🙂

Halo Jepang! 😀 Tunggu saya September depan 😀 😀


Setiap Hari

Gue Asli Ga Bisa Tidur

Udah jam 3 pagi, dan gue ga ngantuk.

oke, bukan gw ga ngantuk sih sebenernya, tapi ada semacam excitement di dalam dada gw yang meminta gw secara paksa untuk ga tidur.

Setiap gw rebahin diri di kasur, gw mulai deg2an, gelisah sampai2 gue 1 jam yang lalu minum susu. #alesan #bilangajalolaper

Gw tau penyebabnya, ini semua karena ini:

Yep, the result will be announce today! lebih tepatnya jam 6.00 pagi waktu Indonesia.

Bukannya mau gue untuk deg2an terus, tapi mata itu ga mau dipejamkan.

Ya Allah, apapun hasilnya nanti tolong kuatkan hamba-Mu ini :’)


Salam ASIK

Annisa Anindita Zein

*Masih bingung antara mencoba untuk tidur atau pantengin komputer sampai jam 6